Public Offer Agreement for Provision of Training Services

This Agreement is an official offer (public offer) and contains all essential conditions for the provision of training services. The list of training services is available at

Pursuant to Paragraph 2, Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, should the conditions set forth below are accepted and payment for the services made by a legal entity or an individual making the acceptance of this Offer, such a legal entity or an individual becomes the Customer, while the Contractor and the Customer together become the Parties to this Agreement.

Therefore, please carefully read the text of this Public Offer Agreement and familiarize yourself with the price list for services posted on the Contractor's website. Should you disagree with any provision of the Offer, the Contractor suggests that you refuse to use the services.

1. General Terms and Definitions

1.1. Acceptance of the Offer is the full and unconditional acceptance of the Offer through the Customer's actions specified in Section 3.4 of this offer. Acceptance of the Offer creates the Offer Agreement.

1.2. The Customer is a person who has accepted the Offer and is thus the Customer for the Contractor's services under the concluded Offer Agreement.

1.3. The Contractor is the administration of the website

1.4. The Offer Agreement is an agreement between the Contractor and the Customer for the provision of training services, which is concluded through the acceptance of the offer.

1.5. The Price List is the current systematic list of Contractor's training services with prices published on the Internet resource at

2. Scope of Agreement

2.1. The subject of this Offer is the provision of training services to the Customer in accordance with the selected training product as part of the ARTLIFE FEST 2020 International Festival of Painting and Art (hereinafter "the Event"), the terms of this offer and the current price list for the Contractor's services.

2.2. The list of services is given on the Internet resource at Services

The Contractor has the right to change the Price List and the terms of this Public Offer unilaterally at any time, without prior agreement with the Customer, while ensuring the publication of the amended conditions on the Internet resource at at least three days before they take effect.

3. Provision of Services and Payment Terms

3.1. The training services are provided in full following a One Hundred Percent (100 %) advance payment by the Customer.

If the Customer refuses to take the training or fails to attend the training, the advance payment made to the Customer shall not be refunded.

3.2. After reviewing the Contractor's price list and the text of this Public Offer, the Customer forms an electronic application at the website.

3.3. Following receipt of the application, the Contractor shall issue an electronic invoice for the service selected by the Customer.

3.4. The Customer shall transfer the funds to the Contractor's bank account electronically through the payment system at the website or shall deposit cash to the cashier of the Contractor.

3.5. The Offer Agreement comes into force after the Customer has paid the invoice and credited the funds to the account of the Contractor or paid to the cashier of the Contractor.

3.6. From the moment of the offer acceptance, the Contractor ensures the provision of training services to the Customer within the timelines established by the training product selected by the Customer.

4. Rights and Obligations of the Parties. Responsibility

4.1. The Contractor does everything possible to ensure high-quality and uninterrupted provision of services to the Customer in accordance with the selected training product and the price list of services.

4.2. The Customer takes the training within the established timelines and gains access to all training tools specified in the service offer.

4.3. The Customer has no the right to copy and / or distribute in any way the materials of the website, master classes, democlasses, or online broadcasts.

In case of attempts or cases of illegal actions on the part of the Customer, the Contractor may refuse provision of training to the Customer by notifying the Customer in advance and hold the Customer liable for illegal copying or distribution of materials under the applicable legislation.

4.4. The Contractor shall not be liable for violation of the terms of the Offer Agreement, if such violation is caused by force majeure circumstances (force majeure) including government actions, fire, flood, earthquake, other natural disasters, lack of electricity and / or computer network malfunctions , strikes, civil unrest, disorder, any other circumstances, not limited to the above, which may affect the fulfillment of the terms of this Public Offer by the Contractor and which are beyond the control of the Contractor.

4.5. In case of cancellation of the Event, the Contractor undertakes to make a full refund to the Customer within seven (7) business days following the receipt of the application for a refund from the Customer.

4.6. If it is impossible to provide the services through the fault of the Contractor, the Contractor undertakes to refund the money paid by the Customer. In other cases, a refund is not made.

4.7. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Public Offer, the Parties shall be held liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Final Provisions

5.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment of acceptance of the Offer and is valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations.

5.2. Should disputes arise on matters set forth in this Agreement or in connection with it, the Contractor and the Customer shall take every measure to resolve them through negotiations between the Parties. The term for consideration of the claim is fifteen (15) business days.

5.3. If it is impossible to resolve such disputes under this Agreement or in connection with it through negotiations, such disputes shall be considered in accordance with the applicable Russian legislation.

5.4. "If the Contractor offers Promotions with various discounts, discounts with a promotional code shall not be combined with other discounts and special offers."